EHN Landcare comprises two groups: what was formerly the EHN Coast Care Group and the Officers Quarters Volunteer Weeding Group.

The activities are usually on the second Sunday of the Month for Coast Care activities and on the second Thursday of the month for the weeding around the Officers’ Quarters.
Meet at the Officers’ Quarters car park, off Pirates Bay Drive.
New volunteers who want to help conserve our beautiful coastline and or  the garden around the Officers’ Quarters are always welcome 
Please wear suitable clothes and boots.
Check work is happening with Kerrie first.
The activities start at 10 am and finish no later than 12 noon.
Volunteers are required to be registered with Parks and Wildlife Service. This can be done on-line at –
The list of ‘Opportunities’ is presently hard to follow but if lucky you might find your way to the Landcare page at – where the Eaglehawk Neck ‘Coast Care’ Group is shown.

Things to See!

Find out what great things there are to see at Eaglehawk Neck. 

Hippolyte Rocks

DIVE, WILDLIFE, FISH. Hippolyte Rock is an impressive granite island, standing 65m tall and towering over the blue horizon of the Tasman Sea. Emerging from the sea bed 100m below and

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Fossil Bay Lookout + Fossil Island

WANDER, WILDLIFE, EXPLORE, SCENIC. Beyond Doo Town, Fossil Bay Lookout stands beside some of the Tasman Peninsula’s most visited geological formations. The lookout is renowned for its sweeping ocean views and impressive dolerite

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Eaglehawk Bay

CANOE, WILDLIFE, DRIVE, BOAT. Eaglehawk Bay is best known as a sunlit and majestic backdrop for travellers heading south towards Port Arthur and beyond. The bay lies to one side of

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The Chat

All the Important news from Eaglehawk Neck.