Tasman Voice for Health is sponsoring FREE skills training for people living or working in the Tasman Municipality who are actively listening to and supporting work colleagues, neighbours, friends and family around mental health.
If you have training or past experience in mental health first aid or suicide prevention, please join facilitator, Jonathan Bedloe, in the Tasman region for listening skills training, reflection and practice over 5 facilitated face to face sessions beginning Saturday morning 8 February.
These sessions will be of 2.5hrs duration and will be followed by group or individual 6 x 1hr online practice and coaching sessions that will build your confidence, knowledge and skills through:
practice conversations
learning from and reflecting on our experiences
build confidence, skills and knowledge of resources
building our own resilience
To register and for further information contact Debra Mill 0447 428 722 or [email protected]
I have attached a flyer that I would appreciate you sharing with your networks.
Debra Mill
Community Engagement Worker – Tasman
I nominally work Monday to Thursday 9am-3pm
Phone: 0468 379 370
Email: [email protected]
Address: 1614 Nubeena Rd, Nubeena TAS 7184
Follow us on Facebook or via our website www.healthconsumerstas.org.au
We acknowledge the Palawa/Pakana peoples of Lutruwita upon whose lands Health Consumers Tasmania was created.
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