Community Action Plan: Suicide Prevention meeting- Eaglehawk Neck Hall 6.30pm Thursday 23rd September
Dear All,
I’m contacting you as I hope that you can share this through your community networks, and groups that you may be involved in, or with people who you know that may have an interest in being involved.
Relationships Australia have been funded by the Tasmanian Government to work with Councils across the State to develop Community Action Plans (CAP) to safely build supports to prevent and reduce suicide. As part of the State Government’s COVID-19 recover plan, Councils were identified as having an integral role to play in suicide prevention, partly due to their close connections with the community.
Tasman Council are working with Relationships Australia to ensure that our community is as safe as possible when it comes to mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention. Attached is a flyer from Relationships Australia that outlines what a Community Action Plan (CAP) is and how the people in the community can play a role in creating one for our community.
The first step in this is to talk with you about what a CAP could look like in our community. By sharing your thoughts and opinions you will help guide where to focus our efforts to develop appropriate and relevant actions to improve community wellbeing and mental health.
To do this, Council has worked with Relationships Australia to plan two (2) workshops. The workshops will be held on Thursday 23 September, the details are below:
· Tasman Council, 2 pm on Thursday 23 September
· Eaglehawk Neck Hall, 6:30 pm on Thursday 23 September.
The facilitator from Relationships Australia will have questions focused on suicide prevention to help guide our discussion. To help ensure that conversations are safe for everyone, Relationships Australia has provided the language guide below and have also created a survey that people may like to take part in.
The survey will also help to guide our conversations, but you can choose to only answer some questions, or not do the survey at all if you’d prefer. The survey is available here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/P5DWK5T
As we are still operating under COVID restrictions, and both venues have limitations on the number of people who can attend, can you RSVP to me if you’d like to attend, and let me know which workshop you’d like to attend.
I know that this can sometimes be a difficult subject, so if you have any questions about the workshop, or why Council is involved in it, please give me a call or send an email. Thanks in advance for sharing this with your networks and organisations.
Warm regards
Jess Dallas
Strategic and Projects Coordinator
(Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator,
Recovery Coordinator)Tasman Council
1713 Main Road Nubeena TAS 7184
Ph: (03) 6250 9204
Email: [email protected]
Tasman Email: [email protected]
Website: www.tasman.tas.gov.au