Eaglehawk Landcare Group Meeting –


Saturday 23rd March 2024 @ 3:30 pm

Dear Friends and neighbours


You may recall that the Eaglehawk Neck Coast Care Group has been going since the early 2000’s and the Volunteer Weeding Group at the Officers’ Quarters Museum for a long time too.


They both went into abeyance while Parks sorted out their new requirements and in the meantime the two coordinators agreed to amalgamate under the new Tasmanian Landcare banner.  Landcare has since continued to provide both insurance cover and small annual grants.


Parks require a 12 month plan and consideration and hopeful approval.


The activities of the Volunteer Weeding Group at the Officers’ Quarters Museum has and probably continues to be straight forward – maintenance of the gardens.


The Coast Care group has been concentrating on the new section of pathway along the coast reserve at the tessellated pavement end of Pirates Bay.  Given that the community had invested $20k in the weed eradication and replanting  (as required by Parks and Council) it made sense to take some care here! In addition, the Coast Care Group has participated in several ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ and ‘Clean Up Our Patch’ days.


In all, making a worth contribution since resuming.


Whether it is viable to continue this effort is to be gauged and discussed at the forthcoming general meeting on Saturday 23rd of March starting at 3:30pm at the Hall.  This should be a short one. ENACT will follow this with a Special General Meeting starting at 4pm at the hall.


Anyone interested in either the Landcare Group or ENACT will be welcome to attend either or both meetings.  A Film Society night follow starting with supper at 6pm and film at 7.




Best regards



Ted Leeson


EHN Landcare Group

415 Pirates Bay Drive

Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania, 7179


M: 0428 537 062

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Visitor Info

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