Eaglehawk Neck Community and Hall Association Inc. 

Notice of AGM 2021


The Annual General Meeting of the Eaglehawk Neck Community and Hall Association Inc. will be held at the Hall at 11 am on Sunday, September 26th, 2021, to confirm the minutes of the last AGM and to receive from the committee and other persons acting on behalf of the Association, reports on the activities and transactions of the Association during the preceding financial year.

Office bearers and committee members of the Association will be elected.

Following the official business of the AGM, input from members is welcomed.

The public are welcome to attend the AGM – and to join the committee for a sausage sizzle following the meeting.

Attendance is limited due to Covid restrictions. Please do not attend if you are self- isolating or if you have cold/flu symptoms.

Please email to [email protected] if you will be attending.


John Gardner (Sec/Public Officer)


Things to See!

Find out what great things there are to see at Eaglehawk Neck. 

Hippolyte Rocks

DIVE, WILDLIFE, FISH. Hippolyte Rock is an impressive granite island, standing 65m tall and towering over the blue horizon of the Tasman Sea. Emerging from the sea bed 100m below and

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Fossil Bay Lookout + Fossil Island

WANDER, WILDLIFE, EXPLORE, SCENIC. Beyond Doo Town, Fossil Bay Lookout stands beside some of the Tasman Peninsula’s most visited geological formations. The lookout is renowned for its sweeping ocean views and impressive dolerite

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Eaglehawk Bay

CANOE, WILDLIFE, DRIVE, BOAT. Eaglehawk Bay is best known as a sunlit and majestic backdrop for travellers heading south towards Port Arthur and beyond. The bay lies to one side of

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The Chat

All the Important news from Eaglehawk Neck.