Dear Members of ENACT and others who may be interested,


Please see attached the minutes of the last meeting of the ENACT committee.

Please note that the next meeting has now been agreed to be held on Friday 2 August starting at 11:30am. All welcome to attend.


Also, the meeting with Parks has been postponed from 29 May to 11 July.


Eric Schwarz, the NRE Wildlife Gaming Officer who is coordinating culling of wild fallow deer has since the meeting advised that plans to cull wild deer at EHN have been delayed due to staff issues but, more on this to follow. Assistance in hearding may be sought from the community.


Its great to see stages 4 and 5 of the Teralina Track completed.  Many thanks to the Tasman Council and Parks for building these sections and also to Steve and Karen Gunn for allowing the track to deviate onto their property in Doo Town, thus saving several large macrocarpas.


Thank you for your interest and support.
Ted Leeson
President & A/Secretary
0428 537 062

Please see the embedded copy of the ENACT Committee Meeting held on the 24th May 2024.

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Things to See!

Find out what great things there are to see at Eaglehawk Neck. 

Hippolyte Rocks

DIVE, WILDLIFE, FISH. Hippolyte Rock is an impressive granite island, standing 65m tall and towering over the blue horizon of the Tasman Sea. Emerging from the sea bed 100m below and

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Fossil Bay Lookout + Fossil Island

WANDER, WILDLIFE, EXPLORE, SCENIC. Beyond Doo Town, Fossil Bay Lookout stands beside some of the Tasman Peninsula’s most visited geological formations. The lookout is renowned for its sweeping ocean views and impressive dolerite

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Eaglehawk Bay

CANOE, WILDLIFE, DRIVE, BOAT. Eaglehawk Bay is best known as a sunlit and majestic backdrop for travellers heading south towards Port Arthur and beyond. The bay lies to one side of

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The Chat

All the Important news from Eaglehawk Neck.