Dear All,
My apologies if you have already received this, or know about this group.
For those that don’t, this group came together as a result of discussions that started a Council facilitated Red Cross Community Disaster Resilience workshop last year. Since then the group has expanded its interest from food security during and in the aftermath of disaster, to food security more generally.
The group is planning to hold a food security forum in October this year, more details will be publicised as the event is firmed up.
In the meantime, please feel free to come along and talk about food security, and to share this email and the attached flyers through your networks.
Kind regards
Jess Dallas
Governance and Strategy Manager
(Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator,
Recovery Coordinator)
Tasman Council
1713 Main Road Nubeena TAS 7184
Ph: (03) 6250 9200
Email: [email protected]
Tasman Email: [email protected]