Dear ENACT members, friends and neighbours

Several things , if I may!

Firstly, Track Matters – Mtn Trails Pty Ltd started work today on building the remaining portions of stage 1 of the Eaglehawk Neck Coastal Track. The Tasman Council had agreed 4 years ago to fund the portions of stage 1 that it owned and at a workshop in April, it agreed to give the funds to ENACT to build these portions.

This is the bit from in front of the Lufra Hotel around Pirates Bay Drive and down to the track along the coastal reserve. Also, the 110m from the corner of Blowhole Road and the Arthur Highway to the car park on Blowhole Road.

We have since discovered that the roadside on this last portion, where we had proposed to build the track, is managed by Parks and hence, Council is putting forward the necessary request to Parks.

Hopefully, this will be processed swiftly allowing the contractor to proceed. A permit from Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania is in place.

In addition, at that workshop, Council also agreed in principle to continue the track along Blowhole Road (stages 2/3), joining the now built sections from the Blowhole to Caribbean Court (stages 4/5) to join to Stage 1, from the Lufra to the Whale Watchers car park.

This 2.7 km of track (or footpath) may take several or more years to build, but its just great to have the Tasman Council on side supporting the provision of a safe connection around Pirates Bay for our community. We will continue working with Council to make this safe connection a reality.

Secondly, The Minister for State Roads, the Hon Micheal Ferguson MHA had announced on 10 January last year, when he opened the widened highway across the Neck (and our bit of path) that State Roads would be looking to improve the Arthur Highway.

Following consultation, the strategy, (ie the short, medium and long term proposed improvements) are about to be finalised. There are some 64 draft proposed improvements that impact the Tasman Community and some 32 that will directly be of interest to those at Eaglehawk Neck.

Thirdly, not this Sunday but the following Sunday (the 11th), there will be two workshops conducted at the Hall on the Tasman Town Structure Plans. In the morning from 10 to noon will be about Eaglehawk Neck/Tarrana and from 1pm to 3, on Murdunna.

Please, anyone interested in the future of any of these areas is urged to attend and have a voice.

Fourthly, next Thursday the 8th of August, the Weeding Volunteers will be working at the Officers’ Quarters garden from 10am to noon. If you are able to attend and help, please ley me know so I can give you more details.

Nearly lastly (!), If you are interested in supporting and strengthening our voice, please consider joining ENACT (if you are not already a member), just your membership helps, you don’t have to attend meetings or become a committee member, although you might. A brochure is attached for your consideration of passing on.

And lastly, there is an ENACT Committee meeting this Friday at the Hall starting at 6:30pm and community members are welcome to attend. The annotated agenda is attached for interest.

Remember, Eaglehawk Neck Matters!

All the best!

Ted Leeson



M: 0428 537 062

Join us. Become a member! 

 If you are interested in supporting and strengthening our voice, please consider joining ENACT (if you are not already a member), just your membership helps, you don’t have to attend meetings or become a committee member, although you might. A brochure is attached for your consideration of passing on.


Just fill out the form below: Then click I’m not a robot, and then submit.

Thank you, we will be in touch. 

Please see the embedded copy of the ENACT Committee Meeting Agenda to be held on the 2nd August 2024 @ 6:30 pm.

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Things to See!

Find out what great things there are to see at Eaglehawk Neck. 

Hippolyte Rocks

DIVE, WILDLIFE, FISH. Hippolyte Rock is an impressive granite island, standing 65m tall and towering over the blue horizon of the Tasman Sea. Emerging from the sea bed 100m below and

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Fossil Bay Lookout + Fossil Island

WANDER, WILDLIFE, EXPLORE, SCENIC. Beyond Doo Town, Fossil Bay Lookout stands beside some of the Tasman Peninsula’s most visited geological formations. The lookout is renowned for its sweeping ocean views and impressive dolerite

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Eaglehawk Bay

CANOE, WILDLIFE, DRIVE, BOAT. Eaglehawk Bay is best known as a sunlit and majestic backdrop for travellers heading south towards Port Arthur and beyond. The bay lies to one side of

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The Chat

All the Important news from Eaglehawk Neck.